News & Information

At Prairie City Landing, we believe that knowledge is power - the path to living life the way you choose. Here’s where you’ll have all the latest news and information at your fingertips, so that you can keep yourself and your family in the know. This is your resource for everything about senior living, so please let us know if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover!

What is memory care

What Is Memory Care in a Senior Living Community? 

If you’re searching for help to care for a loved one living with dementia, you’re not alone. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that more than 6 million people in the U.S. […]

when independent living becomes assisted living

When Independent Living Residents Need Assisted Living Care 

You love your independent living community. With its wide variety of activities, meaningful friendships and delightful staff, you revel in the autonomy. But then, your health needs change. Perhaps it […]

A look at the future of senior living

A Look at What the Future of Senior Living Might Be 

In the past, the center of attention for senior living was on health and safety. The focus today? The resident’s well-being, of course, but also the amenities and services that […]

benefits of senior living

4 Benefits of Senior Living Beyond the Basics 

If you’ve been considering how to best support yourself or a loved one to live and age well, the benefits of senior living often outshine what can be experienced when […]

when do people start considering senior living

When Do People Start Considering Senior Living? 

A beautiful and spacious home, access to activities and social opportunities and only steps away from delicious dining… How long would you want to wait before considering the many advantages […]


A Look at Tenfold Senior Living’s “Assisted Living as a Service” 

Tenfold Senior Living offers assisted living as a service, not as a place. What this means for our residents is that they won’t need to move from their independent living apartment home to receive assistance.